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Spring Arts 2024: Open Call!

Calling Taos Creatives! Artists, organizations, galleries, restaurants, non-profits and small businesses! We're excited for the upcoming Taos Spring Arts Festival 2024, a vibrant celebration of arts and culture in our community. This year, alongside our community partners we're bringing together…

Wolf Hall

Watercolorist, Cartoonist, Sculptor, Woodworker, Musician Artist Bio: With a BFA from Texas Tech University, Wolf has diverse interests and skills in art.  The medium is less important than the intention and imagery in his work.  He creates with the space…

Lizzy Layne

Artist, Painter Oil Painter, Gallery of Fine Art, Painting, Mural Art, Printmaking, Mixed Media, Graphic Design Artist Bio: Lizzy Layne is an experienced Artist, Creative Director, and Designer living in Taos, New Mexico. With an extensive background in Fine Arts, Lizzy brings…

Ron Furedi

Digital Artist Oil Painter, Dance Instructor, Gallery of Fine Art... Ron Furedi spent the first 60 years of his life in New York, developing a career in medical marketing and advertising. During family travels and, in fact, in his wife…

Tracy Bell

Oil Painter Being raised on a farm in the Midwest, Tracy traveled many a country road, admiring abandoned homesteads. Many of them had collections of items left behind that revealed the passage of time. Her attraction to weathered and worn…

Hannah Heaton

Oil Painter “The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer Through the practice of painting I become more aware of the greater ecosystem, of which I am a vital part. The…

Erica Wendel-Oglesby

Mosaic, Jewelry and Photography I am an artist drawn to all things Nature: plants, animals, landscapes and New Mexico weather. This is especially evident in my mosaics and photography! What I truly enjoy is crafting, by hand, birds, flowers and…

Debrah Dubay

Oil Painter- Digital Artist As an artist it is fascinating to me that every individual sees color in unique ways since color is a construct in the mind of the perceiver. I like to imagine what bees, butterflies, and other…

Taylon Angelino

Sculpture/carving/mixed media/art cars Native new mexican. Lover of all things creative. My art is ever evolving. Do wood carving. Recycled art/metal sculpture. Mixed media. Ferro foam\cement. And art cars. Email:  

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