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Peggy Trigg
Southwest Landscapes

Peggy Trigg is a southwest landscape painter who mostly paints on location. She uses a palette of colors that are striking in their originality and strength. …

Greg Moon
Contemporary Art

Located on Gallery Row in the central historical district, Greg Moon Art prides itself in continuing the fine art traditions of Taos. We specialize in contemporary …

Steven Bundy
Fine Art Photographer

Steven Bundy is a fine art photographer whose central subject matter focuses on Landscape and Southwest Americana in and around the western United States. Located in Taos, New Mexico, Steven also offers Northern New Mexico Photography Tours. Steven uses this…

Ray Loveless

“Wrymind Images” Predominantly abstract, “contemplative,” photography, but have also sold paintings and jewelry. 

Phone: 575-758-9305
Mailing Address: 26 Eototo Rd., El Prado, …

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