I define my work as a release of energy, inspiration, and ideas. My education and experience in fashion and art have given me an unconscious ability to absorb color, pattern, and composition, and apply that to the conscious process of focusing and editing my designs.
Debrah Dubay
Oil Painter- Digital Artist
As an artist it is fascinating to me that every individual sees color in unique ways since color is a construct in the mind of the perceiver. I like to imagine what bees, butterflies, and other pollinators see that we cannot. We have no idea what colors pollinators perceive and we have no names for the colors they may see that we do not. To this end I investigate a wide range of color in botanical spheres and enhance colors to attain a greater perception of what we may be missing and of what may exist for other creatures that is not in our range of vision.
Email: drdubayart@gmail.com