Oil Painter “The land is the real teacher. All we…
Mary Alvarado
Multi Media Arts/ Functional and Fine Arts
Primary: Mirrors using recycled fabrics, sculpted into frames with fabrics. Using found objects, ceramics and natural found objects; Painting, murals, drawings.
Website: www.facebook.com/Mary-Alvarado-Arts
Email: elfmirrors@gmail.com
Phone: 330-245-6436
Mailing Address: 424 Washam Land, Taos, NM 87571
Type: Individual
Availability: Workshops
Message: To promote positive, inspirational, creative art in the world. To create beauty out of discards, trash, environmental nuisance, using recycled materials, found objects. Making fantasy, dreaming, love, joy and colorful objects to remind us of nature and self awareness.