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Questa Studio Art Tour (QSAT)
Explore the dramatic scenery of Questa –North of Taos County– and meet our inspired artists and craftspeople
Saturday-Sunday, August 13-14, 2022
Studios open Saturday-Sunday 10am-5pm (Saturday) 10am-4pm (Sunday)
The Questa Studio Art Tour is happy to announce it’s 7th annual arts tour August 13-14, 2022. Come visit and explore the artwork and studios of over 45 local Questa area artists and craftspeople.
The tour will feature both contemporary and traditional art. Some of the types of art you can expect to see includes woodcarving, quilting, ceramic, jewelry, painting, printing, metalwork, mixed media, stained glass, fiber art and more.
The tour starts in Questa and then heads north towards the Sunshine Valley. Studios and artists hubs will be open from 10am-5pm Saturday and 10am-4pm Sunday.